Tourist Shocked as King’s Guard Horse Bites Her Ponytail Near Buckingham Palace

Royal news: Woman screams and faints after King's Guard horse bites down  hard on her armLondon – A tourist visiting Buckingham Palace recently had an unexpected encounter when a King’s Guard horse bit her ponytail while she was posing for a photo. The incident, which was caught on video, quickly went viral on social media.Don't Miss: Lady gets bitten by Royal King's Guard Horse! Incredible!

The woman, who was standing too close to the horse, appeared surprised as the animal suddenly grabbed her hair with its mouth. Despite clear warning signs stating, “Beware. Horse may kick or bite,” many visitors continue to approach the King’s Guard horses too closely for photographs.King's Guard horse bites tourist in London despite warning signs | Daily  Record - Daily Record

This is not the first time such an incident has occurred. Guards have frequently warned tourists to respect their space, and previous videos have shown visitors being reprimanded for touching the horses or getting too close.

The King’s Guard is known for its strict discipline and duties, protecting royal premises while maintaining a long-standing tradition. While their horses are well-trained, they are still animals that can react unpredictably.Royal news: Woman screams and faints after King's Guard horse bites down  hard on her arm

Authorities urge tourists to follow posted guidelines and maintain a safe distance to avoid similar incidents in the future.